Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Social Studies"

Today Mr. Michael J. Butchko will attend a meeting on the new Social Studies curriculum. This change has come after a year of review by a committee from the Archdiocese of Newark's Office of Education. Mr. Butchko (a former Social Studies teacher at Union Catholic Regional High School) helped to write this new paan.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"High School Fair"

Last night Hillside Catholic Academy conducted, "The Sixth Annual Hillside Catholic Academy High School Fair." The following high school were represented;
Benedictine Academy
Christ The King Prep
Mother Seton Regional High School
Montclair Immaculate High School
Roselle Catholic Regional High School
St. Benedict's Prep
St. Mary of the Assumption High School
St. Vincent Academy
Union Catholic Regional High School

Our Grade 8 students and their parents were able to ask questions and receive information about each of these schools.

Monday, September 28, 2009

"Grade 8 Meeting"

Tonight Hillside Catholic Academy will conduct a meeting for all Grade 8 students and their parents. The following will be discussed;
1. High School selection
2. C.O.O.P Examination
3. Fund Raising for Class Trip
4. Graduation

Friday, September 25, 2009

"Street Fair"

On Saturday September 26 Hillside Catholic Academy will have a table at the "Third Annual Hillside Street Fair." Parents and students will man the table. They will be able to answer your questions about the school. Stop by and see us!!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Casino Night"

This year the Hillside Catholic Academy Home and School Association will conduct a novel fund raising event, "Casino Night." The church hall will be turned into an Atlantic City/Las Vegas casino. The cost is $35/per person for this adult only event.
If you wish to attend contact the school office.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Union Catholic"

Today our Grade 8 students will head to Union Catholic Regional High School for a day of reflection. The students will discuss what it takes to be a leader. The students will also get a look at what could be their new school.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Back to School Night"

Tonight is one of the most important night of the year at Hillside Catholic Academy. Tonight is "Back to School Night." This evening the parents/guardians of our students will meet their child's teachers. One question needs to be answered. That question is, "What does my child have to do to be successful in this class?"

Friday, September 18, 2009

"School Picnic"

The "Sixth Annual Hillside Catholic Academy School Picnic" will take place on Sunday September 20, 2009. This is a great opportunity for students, parents, and teachers to get to know each other. There will be representatives from both the Boy and Girl Scouts. The School Picnic is one of the many wonderful events that is conducted by our Home and School Association.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Home and School Association"

Tonight Hillside Catholic Academy will conduct our first Home and School Association Meeting of the year. The Home and School Association is responsible for school fund raising events. It because of the efforts of the Home and School Association that Hillside Catholic Academy now has;
1. Each classroom air conditioned
2. A new gym floor.

The Home and School Association meets three times a year. Every Hillside Catholic Academy student is part of the Home and School Association.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"The Halls Are Alive With The Sound Of Music"

Today Hillside Catholic Academy begins our Music Program. The Music Program will be lead by Mr. Mark Kingston. Each student attending Hillside Catholic Academy receives one class per week in Music.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Let's Do Lunch"

This year Hillside Catholic Academy now has a new lunch provider. Amici's in Union, New Jersey now provides our lunch. They provide a wide selection of delicious food.

Monday, September 14, 2009

"Homework Page"

Parents will now be able to check what homework assignments their children have. All they have to do is click on the following web site;

Friday, September 11, 2009

"September 11, 2009"

Today Hillisde Catholic Academy will remember the events of September 11, 2001. We will conduct a moring Prayer Service. We will then dedicate our Opening School Msss to the memory of those who lost their lives in the September 11 , 2001 attacks.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"A New Year Part #2"

This year Hillside Catholic Academy will see the following changes;
1. Grade 5 students will change classes.
2. Grade 7 and 8 students will be taking Pre-Alegbra.
3. Mrs. Roseann Aagaard is now our Grade 4 teacher.
4. Mrs. Donna Brumbaugh is now our Grade 6 and Social Studies teacher.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"A New Year"

Today Hillside Catholic Academy opens for the 2009-2010 school year. We welcome the following new members to our faculty;

Mr. Mark Kingston will be our new Music teacher. Mr. Kingston comes to us from Blessed Sacrament Elementary School and St. Anthony's Elementary School.

Mrs. Mary Ellen Mc Veigh will be our new Art teacher. Mrs. Mc Veigh comes to us from St. Mary of the Assumption in Elizabeth, N.J.

Mrs. Angela Vasil will be our new Science and Grade 7 homeroom teacher. Mrs. Vasil comes to us from St. Therese Elementary in the Paterson Diocese.

I wish everyone a wonderful new school year.

Michael J. Butchko
Principal Hillside Catholc Academy