Monday, May 18, 2009

"Working at the Car Wash"

On Saturday May 16 the members of the Grade 8 class conducted a car wash. The proceeds are to go to the cost of the Grade 8 class trip. The students washed over 70 cars and raised $500! A great job by the students and Grade 8 teacher Maddalena Speer.

Monday, May 11, 2009

"Mother's Day Breakfast"

On Sunday May 10 the Grade 8 students of Hillside Catholic Academy conducted a, "Mother's Day," breakfast. The proceeds went towards reducing the cost of the Grade 8 class trip. Pancakes, coffee, tea, juice and breakfast meats were served.

Friday, May 8, 2009

"Home and School Association"

Last night Hillside Catholic Academy conducted the final Home and School Association for the 2008-2009 school year. Important information about next year was shared with the parents. The following were announced.
1. Summer Reading lists
2. Summer Math Assignments
3. New Pre-Algebra course for Grades 7 and 8
4. The starting date for the 2010 - 2009 school year.

The Home and School Assoication also handed out the annunal Fund Raising Awards. Every parent is a member of the Home and School Association.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

"National Day of Prayer"

Today is the "National Day of Prayer". Hillside Catholic Academy is observing this occassion this afternoon. The students will go to Christ the King Church. They will
1. Pray silently
2. Hear a selection from the Holy Gospels
3. Pray the Holy Rosary.
This type of day is part of the, "faith based education," at Hillside Catholic Academy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Bronx Zoo"

On Tuesday May 5 members of Hillside Catholic Academy's 6th and 7th grades visited the Bronx Zoo. Despite the rain everyone seemed to learn and enjoy the day. A class trip to the Bronx Zoo is part of the, "quality education," at Hillside Catholic Academy.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"May Crowning"

On Friday May 1, 2009 Hillside Catholic Academy conducted, "The Fifth Annual Hillside Catholic Academy May Crowning." Hillside Catholic Academy students in Grade 2 were responsible for this ceremony. This took place under the leadership of our Grade 2 teacher Ms.Lisa Mruk. May Crowning is part of the, "faith based education," at Hillside Catholic Academy.