Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"Christmas Drive"

Hillside Catholic Academy recently concluded it's "Annual Hat, Glove, and Scarf Drive." The students collected the following items;
45 Hats
60 Scarves
75 Pairs of Gloves
3 Dozen pairs of socks
This dedication to the poor is all part of the, "faith based environment," that is found at Hillside Catholic Academy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Christmas Concert"

Tongight "The Fifth Annual Hillside Catholic Academy Christmas Concert" will take place. The students will sign various Christmas songs and the evening will conclude with the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. This event is all part of the, "quality eduction in a faith based environment," at Hillside Catholic Academy.

Monday, December 8, 2008

"Feast of the Immaculate Conception"

Roday is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Hillside Catholic Academy will attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 8:00 a.m. at Christ the King Church. This is all part of the, "faith based education," at Hillside Catholic Academy.

Friday, December 5, 2008

"Awards Ceremony"

Today Hillside Catholic Academy will conduct it's Award Ceremony. Students who have received the following will be honored;
Outstanding Citation
First Honors
Second Honors
Effort Roll

These students will be presented certificates and pins from Sr. Joan of the Office of Education. This ceremony is part of the, "quality education," at Hillside Catholic Academy.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

"Parent - Teacher Conferences"

Today Hillside Catholic Academy will conduct our Parent-Teacher Conferences. The parents/guardians of our students will have the opportunity to speak with their child's teachers. They will be able to determine what areas, if any, their child needs to improve in. This type of communication is part of the, "quality education," that is at Hillside Catholic Academy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"Christmas Concert Rehearsal"

Today Hillside Catholic Academy will conduct rehearsal for "The Fifth Annaul Christams Concert." This program is part of the, "faith based education," at Hillside Catholic Academy

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This week we begin the holy season of Advent. Each day the Advent Wreath will be lighted and prayers will be recited by an assigned class. We are now getting ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus. This activity is part of the, "faith based environment," at Hillside Catholic Academy.