Wednesday, October 31, 2007
"The Eve of All Hallows"
Today October 31 Hillside Catholic Academy celebrated Halloween. Grades Pre-K, K, 1,2, and 3 dressed in their coustumes. Grade 4,5,6,7,8 had a 'dress down day'. All classes celebrated with class parties. Grades Pre-K, K, 1,2,3 paraded around the school. Grades 4,5,6,7,8 enjoyed an assembly with a magician. An enjoyable time was had by all.
Monday, October 29, 2007
"Halloween Party"
On Saturday October 27 Hillside Catholic Academy's Home and School Association conducted the "Fourth Annual Christmas Party." Students and their parents in Grades Pre-K, K, 1,2,3,4,5 were dressed in a variety of costumes. They trick or treated at tables, played games, drew pictures, and had alot of fun! Many thanks to our Grade One parents who put this event togehter.
Friday, October 26, 2007
"Halloween Dance"
The Initial Halloween Dance will take place at Hillside Catholic Academy tonight. Students in Grades 6,7,8 will celebrate the coming of the Halloween season. A D.J. and light refreshments will be provided. Social gatherings like this are all part of the, "quality eduction in a faith-based enviornment," that is at Hillside Catholic Academy. Many thanks to our Grade Seven parents who put this event together.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
"Scholastic Olympics"
Today Hillside Catholic Academy competed in the Roselle Catholic Scholastic Olympics. Grade 8 students Ashley Anthony and Jamar Grant placed. Ashley Anthony placed second in the Science competition. Jamar Grant placed second in the Art competition. The success of these students is another example of the, "quality education in faith-based environment" at Hillside Catholic Academy.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
"Progress Reports"
This year every student at Hillside Catholic Academy will receive a Progress Report. These reports will be distributed at the halfway point of each Trimester. The Progress Reports will serve as communication tool between the parents and the teacher.
Friday, October 19, 2007
"Smile Please"
Today is Picture Day at Hillside Catholic Academy. Photo - Life, Inc. will be at the school taking pictures of all classes and faculty members. Now the, "quality education in a faith-based environment," at Hillside Catholic Academy will be captured on film.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
"The Living Rosary"
Today Hillside Catholic Academy will conduct The Fourth Annual Hillside Catholic Academy Living Rosary. The students in Grades 6,7,8 will form a rosary and the school shall recite the prayer. This statement of devotion to the Blessed Mother of God is a statement. It is a statement of the, "quality eduaction in a faith-based environment," Hillside Catholic Academy provides.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hillside Catholic Academy's Yearbook Committee met for the first time this year. The yearbook theme and various assignments were discussed. The yearbook will capture all the activities that help Hillside Catholic Academy provide, "a quality education in a faith-based environment."
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
"Pumpkin Picking"
Kindergarten,Grades 1,2,3 went pumpkin picking on Monday October 15. The students travled to Wightman's Farms in Morristown, New Jersey. The students were accompanied by their teachers and many parents. They picked pumpkins, feasted on doughnuts and cider, and enjoyed themseleves! Class trips are all part of the, "quality education in a faith-based environment," that is at Hillside Catholic Academy.
Friday, October 12, 2007
"Family Math"
Last night Hillside Catholic Acadmey conducted it's "Initial Family Math Night" . Ten Hillside Catholic Academy families did math problems, played math related names, and had fun. The lessons for the evening were provided by the Union County Educational Commission. This innovative program is yet another example of the, "quality education in a faith-based environment", at Hillside Catholic Academy.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
"Book Fair"
Tonight Hillside Catholic Academy will conduct it's Initial Book Fair at Barnes and Nolbe Book Store Route #22 in Springfield, New Jersey. The Choir and Forensics teams will perform. Students, parents, and members of our staff will be able to shop off of a school, 'wish list.' A part of the proceeds will be returned to the school. This is another example of the "quality education in a faith-based envioroment" a student gains at Hillside Catholic Academy.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
"Back to Work"
Hillside Catholic Academy returns to work today from the long Columbus Day weekend. The school was closed last Friday. The teachers attended professional development workshops on assessment and writing. Professional development is another example of how Hillside Catholic Academy provides a, "quality educaiton in a faith-based enviromnent"
Monday, October 1, 2007
"Grade 8"
The members of the Hillside Catholic Acadmey Grade 8 attended a Day of Recollection at Union Catholic Regional High School on Thursday September 27. The student were given presentations on leadership. This was a wonderful opportunity for the students to see what high school life is really like. Days like these are all part of the, "quality education in a faith-based enviornment" at Hillside Catholic Academy.
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