Thursday, May 31, 2007


The excitement of Graduation is here at Hillside Catholic Academy. Today the Grade 8 students received their autograph books, yearbooks, caps and gowns. The Third Annual Hillside Catholic Academy Commencement Ceremony will take place on Friday June 8 at 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

"Graduation is around the corner."

Today the Grade 8 students conducted the first of two days of Graduation
Rehearsal. The students are preparing for the Graduation Mass that will take place on Wednesday June 6. They are also getting ready for the Graduation Ceremony that will take place on Friday June 8. It is an exciting time at Hillside Catholic Academy.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"Grade 8 Final Bow"

Today Hillside Catholic Academy Grade 8 students began their Final Examinations. The students took finals in Language Arts, Math, Religion,Reading, Science, and Social Studies. The students took two examinations each morning. The Class of 2007 was a academic success with twelve being admitted to the Union County Magnet High School.

Friday, May 25, 2007

"Walk for Success"

Today Hillside Catholic Academy conducted the Third Annual Hillside Catholic Academy Walk-A-Thon. The students obtained pledges with the promise to walk laps. The money raised from this will help Hillside Catholic Academy supply, "a quality education in a faith based environment."

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"Awards Ceremony"

This afternoon Hillside Catholic Acadmey conducted it's Initial Awards Assembly. Awards were presented to those students who excelled in the varios Catholic Schools Week competitions, Geography competition, and Science Fair.

Monday, May 21, 2007

"End of the year approaching"

Hillside Catholic Academy is getting ready for the close of the 2006- 2007 school year. Among the events to take place in the following weeks are:
1. Grade 8 Final Exams
2. Athletic Night
3. Graduation Dance
4. Grade 8 class trip
5. Graduation Mass
6. Graduation Ceremony
7. Final Exmaniations for Grades 5,6,7

To quote the poet, "miles to go before we sleep."

Friday, May 18, 2007

"Dress Down Day"

Hillside Catholic Academy students who attain Honor or Effort Roll status are allowed to dress down today. This is to reward these students for a job well done during the Third Marking Period. It is all part of the, "quality education in a faith based environment" Hillside Catholic Academy provides

Thursday, May 17, 2007

"King Tut"

The Grade 7 students of Hillside Catholic Academy today visited the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They took in the exhibit of King Tut. This class trip is an annual event under the direction of Ms. Lynn Zientek Grade 7 homeroom teacher. This trip is another example of how Hillside Catholic Academy strives to provide a, "quality education in a faith based environment."

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

"Science Fair"

The Third Annual Hillside Catholic Academy Science Fair took place on Wednesday May 16, 20007. Students presented projects based on Earth, Life, and Physical Science. This event was put together by Miss Stacey Barker Grade 6,7,8 Science teacher. Events like the Science Fair are part of the, "quality education in a faith based environment" that is provided by Hillside Catholic Academy.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A New Approach

Hillside Catholic Academy, like all of the schools of the archdiocese of Newark, will be on a trimester schedule next year. A new report card will be used. Mr. Michael Butchko, principal of Hillside Catholic Academy attended a meeting of all principals of the archdiocese on Tuesday May 15. This new approach will assist Hillside Catholic Academy's mission of, "a quality education in a faith based environment."

Monday, May 14, 2007

"Mother's Day at H.C.A."

Hillside Catholic Academy's Grade 8 student hosted a pancake breakfast for Mother's Day. Guest were treated to pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, muffins, and toast. This was a fund raiser for the Grade 8 class trip. It also was a special treat for the mothers of our school.

Friday, May 11, 2007

"God's plan for your life"

Hillside Catholic Academy's Grade 8 students attended the Third Annual Retreat. This was conducted by Mr. Allan Wright of the Religion Department of Union Catholic Regional High School. Mr. Wright discussed what God had planned for their lives in high school. This day is an important part of the faith based education Hillside Catholic Academy provides.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

"Art Show"

The Third Annual Hillside Catholic Academy Art Show will take place tonight. The students will have thier work of art on display. The talent of the Hillside Catholic Academy students is quite evident. Dedication to the arts is part of the,"quality edcation in a faith based environment", at Hillside Catholic Academy.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"Effort Counts"

In addition to the First and Second Honor Roll Hillside Catholic Academy a student can attain the Effort Roll. This is for those students who have worked to the utmost of their ability. Encouring students to do their best each day is all part of the "quality education in a faith based environment" provided by Hillside Catholic Academy.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

"Dedication to the arts"

Hillside Catholic Academy has a dedication to developing the entire student. This includes the arts. This proven by the fact Grade 8 students Emilie Burke, and Angela Corpus, and Grade 7 student Megan Conovas now have their work on display through out Union County. The achievements of these students is another example of the, "quality education in a faith based environment" provided by Hillside Catholic Academy.

Monday, May 7, 2007

"Shall We Dance?"

Developing the entire student is a goal of Hillside Catholic Academy. With this in mind the school conducted a Spring dance on Friday May 4. Eighty students and eleven chairpones enjoyed the music, each others company, and danced the night away. Developing the entire person is all part of the "quality education in a faith based environment" provided at Hillside Catholic Academy.

Friday, May 4, 2007

"Alumni Success"

One of the thing Hillside Catholic Academy is proudest of is the success of it's graduates. 20% of our graduates have attained Honor Roll status at their high schools. Many of our alumni have attained success in other areas. One example of this is Kathryna Corpuz. Kathryna is a freshman at Mother Seton Regional High School. Kathryna is an accomplished pianist. She has performed in many differnt at the Mother Seton Talent show. She will also perform at the State Teen Arts Festival on May 23. Kathryna is an example of the type of student Hillside Catholic Academy creates.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

"It is the little 'extras'

Hillside Catholic Academy receives extra services from the following. Nursing services from the Hillside Board of Health. From the Union County Educational Commission it receives money for textbooks and technology. It is the small 'extras' that enables Hillside Catholic Academy to provide "a quality education in a faith based environment."